How to Keep Your Car Running After 100,000 Miles

How to Keep Your Car Running After 100,000 Miles
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Tips on How to Keep Your Car Running After 100,000 Miles

Your car is one of the most important investments you will make in your lifetime. Not only does it provide you with transportation, but it also helps to keep you and your family safe. This is why it is so important to maintain your car and to have it regularly serviced by a qualified garage.

Maintaining a car so that it remains in its optimum operating condition for many years can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these simple tips, anyone can keep their car running like new for many, many years. Don’t be afraid of hitting that 100,000 mark, as with proper care, it’s just another number.

Regular Maintenance Is Key

This means keeping up to date with oil changes, tyre rotations, and brake checks. It’s also important to get your car re-tuned on a regular basis. By keeping up with these routine maintenance tasks, cars can stay in good and safe condition for much longer.

Drive Carefully

Another way to keep cars running for over 100,000 miles is by driving carefully and responsibly. Avoiding excessive speeds, acceleration, and hard stops will help prolong the life of the car’s engine and its other major components.

Regular Oil Changes

One of the most important things you can do to keep your car running well past 100,000 miles is to get regular oil changes. Your car’s engine needs clean oil to run properly, and over time, the oil will break down and become dirty. Getting your oil changed every 5,000 miles or so will ensure that your engine has the clean oil it needs to run well for a long time.

Keep An Eye On Your Car’s Fluids

In addition to regularly changing your oil, it’s also important to keep an eye on all of your car’s fluids. These include coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid. You should check these fluids regularly and top them up if they are low. If you let any of these fluids get too low, it could lead to big problems for your car’s engine or other systems. You can find out more about your vehicle’s air conditioning system here.

Watch For Warning Signs

Another important tip for keeping your car running well past 100,000 miles is to watch for warning signs that tell you something may be wrong. These can include strange noises, leaks underneath the car, vibrations while driving, or dashboard lights that come on unexpectedly. If you notice any of these things happening to your car, be sure to take it to a reputable garage for a service or to be checked right away so that the problem doesn’t worsen and cause even more damage down the line. It could also mean your car isn’t safe to drive, so a check by a professional garage is a must.

Inspect Your Tyres Regularly

Tyres are one of the most important parts of your car, and they need to be in good condition to keep your car running properly and to ensure you are safe when driving. Check your tyres regularly for tread wear, pressure, and alignment, if these are not right, it can cause further damage.

Change Your Air Filter

A dirty air filter can negatively affect your car’s performance and fuel economy. Replacing your air filter regularly will help ensure that your engine is getting the cleanest possible air, which will help it run more efficiently.

Tyre Pressures

Another important aspect of maintaining your car and keeping it safe to drive is keeping the tyres properly inflated. This will help to improve fuel efficiency as well as handling and braking performance. Check your vehicle’s handbook, or there is normally a sticker on the inside door frame to tell you what your tyre pressure should be.

Keep Your Coolant Level Topped Up 

Coolant plays a vital role in preventing your engine from overheating. Make sure you check your coolant level regularly and top it up as needed to prevent any problems, this is especially important in the summer months but if too low can damage your vehicle’s engine at any time of the year.

Watch For Dashboard Warning Lights

Your car’s dashboard lights are there for a reason, to warn you of potential problems. If you see a warning light, take your car to a garage to have it checked out as soon as possible. Ignoring a warning light could lead to serious issues down the road and could make driving your car unsafe.

Use High-quality Parts

When it comes to replacement parts, always opt for quality. It may cost a little more upfront, but in the long run, it will likely last you longer and save you money, as well as optimise the performance of your car.

Avoid Just Short Trips

Whenever possible, try to combine errands into one trip instead of making several short trips. Starting up the engine puts a lot of wear and tear on it, so the fewer times you have to do this, the better. If you don’t often drive a long way, then take it for a run on the motorway to clear out the engine and filters as well as give the battery a good charge, which will prolong its life.

Parking In The Shade Or A Garage

Exposure to sunlight and extreme weather can cause damage to your car’s exterior and interior over time. To help protect your car, park in a garage or in the shade wherever possible.

Keep It Clean

A clean car not only looks better but also runs better. Dust and dirt can build up on vital components, such as the engine, causing them to wear out faster. Washing a waxing the exterior will prolong its paintwork, and keeping it clean and fresh inside will make the seats and accessories last much longer.


To keep your car running well and safely for as long as possible, it’s important to take good care of it inside and out. This means regular services, oil changes, proper maintenance, and driving carefully.


Are cars still good after 100,000 miles?

A lot of people seem to think that cars are only good for a limited number of miles before they start having serious problems. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Many cars can last for well over 100,000 to 200,000 miles without any major issues. Of course, it is important to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs to ensure that your car lasts as long as possible. But if you do that, you shouldn’t have any problems keeping your car on the road for years and years.

Are 100,000 miles on a car too much?

It depends on the car in question. Some cars are not meant to last that long, but others can easily go well over 100K miles without any major issues. It all comes down to how well you take care of your car and how often you have it serviced. If you keep up with regular maintenance, then you shouldn’t have any problems keeping your car running for a long time.

What mileage is too high for a used car?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on some factors, including the make and model of the car, how well it has been maintained, and what kinds of repairs it has needed in the past. In general, though, cars can start having serious problems around 100,000–200,000 miles. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get a good deal on a used car with more mileage than that, but you should be aware that it may need more repairs and maintenance than one with lower mileage.

Contact us today at 0117 963 8916 to book your appointment for any bodywork, repairs, services, or your MOT.

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